Friday, August 16, 2013

Study Bible Update: Promises

I just wanted to post a tiny update on my study Bible adventures! I have a pretty sweet setup at the apartment right now and it's really been helping me get into a routine. Every morning I make my breakfast and coffee and bring it to my desk in the living room which has my Bible and a notebook sitting open just waiting for me.

I started at the beginning. And I'm still there. I'm making progress but this study Bible sure has a lot of extra study notes! I haven't even gotten to Genesis yet! I've read all the notes that give an overview of the Old Testament. For example, who wrote it, when and why. And I'm almost finished reading the introduction notes to Genesis which explains the major (and minor) themes. Even though I haven't even gotten to the actual Bible part I already feel like I've learned so much. These overviews have been so helpful in outlining the important messages and in explaining how the whole Bible points to Jesus. It's not just a list of genealogies and laws and stories that are all loosely tied together by being God's word but it's one complete book that's all about God's promises. It's about His creation and His love for us despite our rebellion and His promise to restore us to the way He created us. In the Old Testament He makes promises to Abraham and Israel through Moses and in the New Testament we see these promises fulfilled by Jesus! God sacrificed His only Son to die for our sins, paying our price, so that through Him we can be restored. I am already in awe of how the Bible unveils God's promises and purpose for His creation throughout the Old and New Testaments. I never saw it as a complete narrative before! I already feel like my view of God and the Bible is being transformed and I haven't even started reading it! I can't wait to see how else God will open my eyes and my heart with more time.

Speaking of God's promises, I just read Whitney Newby's blog post where she writes about God's promise to Abraham and Sarah that they will have a child in their old age. Sarah laughs and God says "Is anything too hard for the Lord?". A great reminder that God's work doesn't require our faith, though He is glorified by it. The fulfillment of His promises are not dependent on us but on Him. Anyways, she unpacks this passage a lot better than I can so you should read the whole thing for yourselves! It's a good one.

Thanks for reading!

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